If you are looking for SEO Services, Digital Marketing, YouTube Marketing Services in Udaipur then you can call us at +91-9460323232
Some businesses have already been verified by an owner or manager and have a Google My Business listing. The listing is owned by the person who verified the business.
See if your business has already been verified by following these steps:
You may have already verified your business using a different email address. If you have more than one Google account (for example, one for personal messages and one for business communications), sign out of Google My Business and then sign in with another Google account.
You will see any listings that you have verified with this Google account. If you still don’t see any listings in any of your Google accounts, you will need to contact the current listing owner.
You can contact the current listing owner through Google My Business to request access to own or manage the listing.
Note: This process may take several weeks, and only the current listing owner can add you as a listing manager or transfer ownership of the listing to you.
To request access from the current listing owner:
You can also attempt to contact the current owner directly using the contact information in their business listing. Include instructions to add you as a listing manager or transfer ownership of the listing to you.
If you have lost your login details or someone else within the company had previously verified the business listing and you cannot locate the account login details, then you need to request / claim ownership of the current verified Google business page.
Do Not: Attempt to create another business listing, this will results in a duplicate page that will more then likely get suspended.
You Must: Make the ownership request before you contact business support.
Seven steps to claiming ownership of an already verified Google business listing:
If you are looking for SEO Services, Digital Marketing, YouTube Marketing Services in Udaipur then you can call us at +91-9460323232